I've got a macro which Tom and Don kindly helped me with - it searches
for 'n' in Column F and if it find it copies that whole row into a
sheet called 'Diary'. Only problem is I need it to copy it to the
bottom of the the diary sheet rather than replacing the data which is
already in that sheet - I've tried to modify the macro but can't make
it work - any help would be very much appreciated!!!!! The current
macro is below:
Sub SearchForStringFeb()
Dim LSearchRow As Integer
Dim LCopyToRow As Integer
On Error GoTo Err_Execute
'Start search in row 7
LSearchRow = 7
'Start copying data to row 7 in Sheet2 (row counter variable)
LCopyToRow = 7
While Len(Range("A" & CStr(LSearchRow)).Value) > 0
'If value in column F = "n", copy entire row to Sheet2
If Range("F" & CStr(LSearchRow)).Value = "n" Then
'Select row in January to copy
Rows(CStr(LSearchRow) & ":" & CStr(LSearchRow)).Select
'Paste row into Diary in next row
Rows(CStr(LCopyToRow) & ":" & CStr(LCopyToRow)).Select
'Move counter to next row
LCopyToRow = LCopyToRow + 1
'Go back to Sheet1 to continue searching
End If
LSearchRow = LSearchRow + 1
'Position on cell A3
Application.CutCopyMode = False
MsgBox "All matching data has been copied."
Exit Sub
MsgBox "An error occurred."
End Sub
for 'n' in Column F and if it find it copies that whole row into a
sheet called 'Diary'. Only problem is I need it to copy it to the
bottom of the the diary sheet rather than replacing the data which is
already in that sheet - I've tried to modify the macro but can't make
it work - any help would be very much appreciated!!!!! The current
macro is below:
Sub SearchForStringFeb()
Dim LSearchRow As Integer
Dim LCopyToRow As Integer
On Error GoTo Err_Execute
'Start search in row 7
LSearchRow = 7
'Start copying data to row 7 in Sheet2 (row counter variable)
LCopyToRow = 7
While Len(Range("A" & CStr(LSearchRow)).Value) > 0
'If value in column F = "n", copy entire row to Sheet2
If Range("F" & CStr(LSearchRow)).Value = "n" Then
'Select row in January to copy
Rows(CStr(LSearchRow) & ":" & CStr(LSearchRow)).Select
'Paste row into Diary in next row
Rows(CStr(LCopyToRow) & ":" & CStr(LCopyToRow)).Select
'Move counter to next row
LCopyToRow = LCopyToRow + 1
'Go back to Sheet1 to continue searching
End If
LSearchRow = LSearchRow + 1
'Position on cell A3
Application.CutCopyMode = False
MsgBox "All matching data has been copied."
Exit Sub
MsgBox "An error occurred."
End Sub