Pasting text box relative to text



I would like to paste a text box and have it positioned relative to the text
that the cursor is at. Everytime I paste though, Word puts it relative to the
page. I have the original text box set (under Layout/Advanced settings) to
Absolute postition -1" to the right of Character
Absolute postiion 0 below the Paragraph



Position one exactly as you want it. Then either right-click and select 'Set
autoshape defaults', or define it as an AutoText entry and insert that
whenever you need a new one.


Thank you. I did "Set Autoshape Defaults", but it still pastes relative to
the page, not the text. I can not use the AutoText entry because the textbox
only has one character, an arrow pointing to the right. I need to have this
arrow to show the reader that this text is important. This is an 84 page
document and I am trying to find a way to be able to paste this arrow exactly
where I want it. Adding each one manually woud be quite tedious. Any other



I don't understand why you can't use AutoText: anything you can select in
the document (text, graphics, tables, etc) can be defined as autotext
entries. I have several predefined textboxes, with content, set up as
autotext entries on my system. (I even have a toolbar to automate the
insertion of them.) Has the further advantage that you can set the style for
the content of the textbox also.


Ohhh! I see! I thought that there had to be at least 5 characters for
AutoText to work.
I have set-up the text box as AutoText. Could you tell me how you set up
your toolbar to automate it?



The five characters refers only to Word's ability automatically to suggest
the autotext entry: it you type five characters that uniquely match the
first five characters of an entry ...

To set up a toolbar: Right-click any toolbar and select customise. Display
the commands tab. Select AutoText from the list on the left. Drag the
entries from the list on the right to the toolbar of your choice. Use an
existing toolbar or click New on the Toolbars tab to create one of your own.

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