pasting text changes document



I pasted text from another source into a document, and then pasted another
piece of text from still another source below it. There was a huge gap
between the two, so I tried to delete some lines. Not happening. Then I
tried to add some notes below, and suddenly my margins were different. My
last version of Word never presented these problems. Was much simpler to
use. Any suggestions? I watched a tutorial, was too fast and didn't cover
1% of all the crud that MS has included in this version. Thanks.


never heard of that before. but, when pasting text from multiple sources, i
do this (not the best solution, but one that you can do w/o much tech

Copy the text from your source (CTRL+C)
Open Notepad
Paste into notepad (CTRL+V)
Select what you just pasted, in notepad (CTRL+A)
Copy from notepad (CTRL+C)
Paste into Word (CTRL+V)

Notepad strips all formatting from text, so if you do that, when you paste
into word you'll just get the words, and none of the annoying formatting
changes that they have with them

Suzanne S. Barnhill



Thanks to both of you. Possibly older versions of Word didn't allow the
copying of formatting with the text, so I didn't encounter the problem
before. Anyways, I now have a couple ways to defeat the problem. I really
appreciate your time.

Peter A

never heard of that before. but, when pasting text from multiple sources, i
do this (not the best solution, but one that you can do w/o much tech

Copy the text from your source (CTRL+C)
Open Notepad
Paste into notepad (CTRL+V)
Select what you just pasted, in notepad (CTRL+A)
Copy from notepad (CTRL+C)
Paste into Word (CTRL+V)

Notepad strips all formatting from text, so if you do that, when you paste
into word you'll just get the words, and none of the annoying formatting
changes that they have with them

Unnecessary effort - just choose Paste Special then Unformatted Text in
Word and you get the same result.


Very helpful, however I have no clue where "Paste Special" can be found. And
I'm really tired of hunting through 700 options in Word 2007 to find the very
few things I need to do with it.

Too bad they don't make something more simple and basic. I'm willing to bet
that the number of users who actually need all the superfluous crud included
in Word is maybe 10% of everyone who has it. People buy it because over the
years, before it became so cumbersome, so many folks used it that now almost
everyone demands Word formatted communications. So you're trapped, like it
or not.

But this is just me, venting frustration. Thanks for the informative

Suzanne S. Barnhill

You can download a command reference (it's an Excel sheet) from
That's where I got the info.

There's also an online version at

There's also a downloadable add-in at that
allows you to search for commands and find out where they are in Word 2007.

There's also the Get Started tab add-in (which I confess I haven't tried
yet) at

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