Pasting text from Word 2008 into dreamweaver



It doesn't work. This is a major problem and jams my workflow. Yes I can drag text from word to DW or I can paste in code view but this kills all formatting. This makes 2008 a definite no no for purchase as far as I am concerned and I am sure many other people.


Corentin Cras-Méneur

It doesn't work. This is a major problem and jams my workflow.

I remember other people posting about this in the group.

As I remember it, Office places multiple formats fo the text in the
clipboard and it's up to DW to decide which one to take. Apparently in
this context, DW doesn't make the right choice and doesn't take the HTML
version of the text from the clipboard. It looks to me like a DW issue



Yes although you could argue that it was remiss of MS not to test Office 2008 with all the popular applications that would be working alongside it. To be accurate MS broke it not Macromedia. In any case I am going to have to eschew 2008 until one of them has fixed it and so will most people working in web editorial with Word and DW. So it may not be MS fault but it will be their sales of 2008 that suffer so perhaps they will take ownership of fixing the problem? Macromedia probably have less incentive to solve the issue as they didn't actually create it and they know people will work around rather than move to a different web authoring app.

Daiya Mitchell

Total agreement. Please use Help | Send Feedback in Word to let MS know
that you will be advising people not to buy Word 2008 for this reason.
Your message there will be counted and tracked, and with luck, enough
votes will help get a change.

Diane Ross

It doesn't work. This is a major problem and jams my workflow. Yes I can drag
text from word to DW or I can paste in code view but this kills all
formatting. This makes 2008 a definite no no for purchase as far as I am
concerned and I am sure many other people.

Plain Clip is a small Mac OS X application that removes formatting from text
which is on the clipboard. It's designed as a faceless application (no GUI),
which makes it ideal for triggering it from a hotkey application such as
"Spark" or "iKey".

Plain Clip <> (freeware)


But Diane there is no problem removing the formatting, simply drag text from word to DW or paste in code view. The problem is that I don't want to remove the formatting. Can you imgaine the trouble I am having turning contributors and clients word docs into web pages when every last bit of the formatting disappears, not just bold and italic and that sort of thing but para breaks!
It simply is impossible at the moment to work with word 2008 and DW and so I see no reason to invest in word 2008. For those who do no web work it seems very nice, but for me it's no use at all

Diane Ross

But Diane there is no problem removing the formatting, simply drag text from
word to DW or paste in code view. The problem is that I don't want to remove
the formatting. Can you imgaine the trouble I am having turning contributors
and clients word docs into web pages when every last bit of the formatting
disappears, not just bold and italic and that sort of thing but para breaks!
It simply is impossible at the moment to work with word 2008 and DW and so I
see no reason to invest in word 2008. For those who do no web work it seems
very nice, but for me it's no use at all

Sorry, I misunderstood. I use GoLive and pasting in from HTML emails adds
all that font and size crap that I don't want. I use CSS instead.

Daiya Mitchell

Diane said:
Sorry, I misunderstood. I use GoLive and pasting in from HTML emails adds
all that font and size crap that I don't want. I use CSS instead.

A straight paste from Word to Dreamweaver used to work beautifully.
Nice simple tags came along, without any crap. Now it's all screwed up.


&nbsp;I can't use CSS on body text as there is no standard way of writing an article. Contributors to the web site that I edit obviously use para breaks as they prefer and before Office 2008 cutting and pasting their articles across to DW kept their formatting. Now I get a great big splodge of raw text and I have to manually go through the pasted text to return it to the author's intended formatting, thus adding a lot of mindless grunt work to my day. Except of course I don't because once was quite enough and I dumped 2008 like a hot brick! I wish they'd fix it.There must be plenty of people in my situation and a lot of lost sales as a result.

John McGhie

There would be a reason you do not save the thing as "Web Page" in Word?

That's what I do. Then open the thing in DreamWeaver and cut out the
internal style sheet.

I find it useful to construct a CSS for such pages that adjusts the Word
formatting to my taste. The whole process takes about five to seven

Hope this helps

I can't use CSS on body text as there is no standard way of writing an
article. Contributors to the web site that I edit obviously use para breaks as
they prefer and before Office 2008 cutting and pasting their articles across
to DW kept their formatting. Now I get a great big splodge of raw text and I
have to manually go through the pasted text to return it to the author's
intended formatting, thus adding a lot of mindless grunt work to my day.
Except of course I don't because once was quite enough and I dumped 2008 like
a hot brick! I wish they'd fix it.There must be plenty of people in my
situation and a lot of lost sales as a result.

Don't wait for your answer, click here:

Please reply in the group. Please do NOT email me unless I ask you to.

John McGhie, Consultant Technical Writer
McGhie Information Engineering Pty Ltd
Nhulunbuy, Northern Territory, Australia
+61 4 1209 1410, mailto:[email protected]


Hmm well it's not my taste, it's the taste of the article author so I can't create a one size fits all css solution.

As to saving in word as a web page, then opening the doc via DW etc, this works but seems to me to be not a proper solution and is surely slower than apple+c and apple +v, which is what we all used to do until MS made these changes. Plus i have to delete an .htm file after each copy. No big deal but still inelegant


Daiya Mitchell

Yeah. As of Word 2004/DW 7, Save as Web Page adds all sort of crazy
tagging, e.g, "class="MSO Normal" to each line. It's not just the
internal style sheet that needs to be removed. DW has a Clean Up Word
HTML function--but it doesn't remove all this crazy tagging--so you
still have to do all sorts of find and replace.

I could save the F&Rs in DW and go through six steps to get a file from
Word to DW, but when it used to only take a nice easy copy and paste,
I'm loath to.


Dalya I dont find that crazy tagging a nuisance, its only seen in code view?

Sometimes I wonder if MS don't do these things just to be awkward!


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