Pasting unformatted text into Notepad (from a range in Excel)



Problem: copying a range of cells from Excel, opening Notepad and pasting the
range as unformatted text. All in one VB code step.

Please answer with a VB code.


Dave Peterson

Don and others are frustrated because you've started lots of new threads instead
of following up at the first post.

But you've seen that admonition at your other threads.


Dave, Don,

1) I come here every blue moon
2) Spent 2 hours this morning following threads and the very same detail
question posed by others and all replies were the same: incomplete, the
pasting was on a table format instead of text. I could cite many examples.
3) Then I opened my own thread
4) I was given an answer similar to what others got in 2)
5) Then started a new thread with capital letters
6) ok, I dont know the rules, now I know. I got frustrated based on 1-5
7) finally got an answer from JE

that's all

I do appreciate you MVP guys, may be you are here all the times and a little
sensitive for a NY guy

Jon Peltier

5) Then started a new thread with capital letters

Good strategy. That helps me decide which posts not to read. Another fine
strategy was the brusqueness of your question.

Rather than opening Notepad so you can paste the data, why not put it
directly into a text file? Look up 'VB File I/O' in Google, or check out
these links:

If you need to leave the file open for the user, shell it when you're done
with the I/O.

- Jon

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