Using MS Word 2003 and MS XP Professional
The following code does not seem to trap the "Path/File access" (error
75) - why would this be? What can I do to trap file open errors or
alternatively catch badly formed file names?
On Error GoTo badfile:
If FileThere(sourcefile) Then
Open sourcefile For Binary Access Read As #8
GoTo badfile:
End If
Function FileThere(FileName As String) As Boolean
FileThere = (Dir(FileName) > "")
End Function
The form of the file that it is trying to open is;
X:\B\Big BearAssn\Billings\1234567-Bear Fund $1500 Jun 06 (2).doc
Thanks for your help - this is driving me squirly
The following code does not seem to trap the "Path/File access" (error
75) - why would this be? What can I do to trap file open errors or
alternatively catch badly formed file names?
On Error GoTo badfile:
If FileThere(sourcefile) Then
Open sourcefile For Binary Access Read As #8
GoTo badfile:
End If
Function FileThere(FileName As String) As Boolean
FileThere = (Dir(FileName) > "")
End Function
The form of the file that it is trying to open is;
X:\B\Big BearAssn\Billings\1234567-Bear Fund $1500 Jun 06 (2).doc
Thanks for your help - this is driving me squirly