Pause and restart PPt presentation


Malcolm Walker

Using PowerPoint 2000

I have a presentation of 123 slides. If a reason to pause the
presentation occurs I press Esc and the show stops. When I am ready to
resume I press F5 and the presentation restarts from slide 1. Is it
possible to restart from the slide that was showing when I pressed Esc?

Ellen Finkelstein

You don't mention why you're pressing Esc to pause. Do you want to go to
another application or just get the audience to look at you rather than the
slides? If it's the latter, you can press the "b" key to black out the
screen. Then press it again to start where you left off.

If you need to go to another application, you can do so by pressing Alt+Tab
to see icons for other open applications. You can do the same again to return.


Lucy Thomson

Hi Malcolm

As well as Ellen's excellent response there are a few other keyboard
shortcuts you may want to know about:
shift + f5 starts slide show from current slide
ctrl + s pauses/restarts a self-running show (animations & slide
f1 (in slide show mode) shows you all the available keyboard shortcuts.

Hope that helps :)


Lucy Thomson

Of course I actually meant just 's' to pause the show, not ctrl+s. My, I was
having a bad day yesterday, wasn't I? ;-)


Malcolm Walker

As a medical matter intervened I wish to apologise for my tardiness in
responding to Ellen, Lucy and Troy. My sincere thanks for your very
helpful replies that I may well follow up in a new thread.

Malcolm Walker

As a medical matter intervened I wish to apologise for my tardiness in
responding to Ellen, Lucy, Troy and Steve. My sincere thanks for your
very helpful replies that I may well follow up in a new thread.

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