Pause code execution: how?



I am using a 3rd party dll to send emails from Access XP in an automatic
nightly process and this has been working fine for a long time. Recently
however there is a recuring problem with our mail server, and it sporadically
fails to respond to my email object. The sys admin wants me to do a retry
after failures, after a 10 second pause.

Is there a simple way to pause code execution within my email sender code,
so I can try again in 10 seconds? Everything that is being executed is from
instantiated classes, so I would rather not refer back to a timer on the
opening form that calls the top-level processing object, if I can help it (if
it is even possible).

If I must refer to the form timer to pause 10 seconds, can you outline how I
would do that?

Any ideas? Thanks in advance for any help.


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