Pause Macro for a while and run the rest of the script later


Elton Law

Dear expert,
I recently try a new time macro. That is to back up the file at night time.
Then once I come back to office on next day, back-up has been finished
Scripts are below ...
Open the file as of the path shown up in cell H3.
Activate the file windows called "Fixings", then save the file name as of
the file path in cell S2.
I have added "Calculate" many times in the scripts to make sure it reloads
all data before it saves ...
But ..............
I set at 3:30 am and save the file at 3.31 am.
To be honest, the file I opened is very large and usually takes 10 mins to
open, refresh data, etc .....
Look like "calculate" is not enough to refresh the data.
Is it possible to set a pause in macro ?
Say 15 mins .... then continue to run the ret of the scripts...


Workbooks.Open Filename:=Sheets("Sheet1").Range("H3").Value
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
ActiveWorkbook.Close Savechanges:=True


Elton Law

Wonderful ! Make it !!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks a lot

AltaEgo said:
'start at 03:30
Application.Wait "03:30:00"
'do stuff
Application.Wait "03:45:00"
'do more stuff

Application.Wait "03:30:00"
'do stuff
'wit fifteen minutes after the code runs
Application.Wait(Now + TimeValue("0:15:00")) Then

For more information, see VBA help on wait.

Check out Application.AfterCalculate Event in Excel Help; might be what you
are looking for.

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