I am working on automating a document compilation task.
The number of potential documents to be included in the
single document number in the hundreds, and eventually
each document will be automated as well before inclusion
in the final compilated document. It is unlikely a user
would be able to complete the process in a single
sitting, both because of the number of documents involved
but also because the user may not have all of the
information needed to complete the task and may have to
look something up.
On a userform, I would like to be able to give the user
the option to quit and return to the project later where
they left off. Basically, I have one userform where the
user selects the documents to be included in the project.
When the user selects "OK", the documents selected begin
compiling. When a document is reached that is automated,
a userform for that document appears, the user makes the
appropriate selections and that document is then added.
The process continues when the user closes the userform
until the last document selected has been added.
I can save the values of the userform so that if the user
quits he can return to the userform with the values he
selected saved. The problem is that if a user quits, he
quits in the middle of a macro that is running. Is it
possible to not only return the values entered on the
userform, but to also be able return to the point in the
macro where the macro quit running when the user quit?
Thanks for any help
The number of potential documents to be included in the
single document number in the hundreds, and eventually
each document will be automated as well before inclusion
in the final compilated document. It is unlikely a user
would be able to complete the process in a single
sitting, both because of the number of documents involved
but also because the user may not have all of the
information needed to complete the task and may have to
look something up.
On a userform, I would like to be able to give the user
the option to quit and return to the project later where
they left off. Basically, I have one userform where the
user selects the documents to be included in the project.
When the user selects "OK", the documents selected begin
compiling. When a document is reached that is automated,
a userform for that document appears, the user makes the
appropriate selections and that document is then added.
The process continues when the user closes the userform
until the last document selected has been added.
I can save the values of the userform so that if the user
quits he can return to the userform with the values he
selected saved. The problem is that if a user quits, he
quits in the middle of a macro that is running. Is it
possible to not only return the values entered on the
userform, but to also be able return to the point in the
macro where the macro quit running when the user quit?
Thanks for any help