Daniel Jones
Good morning
I've just replaced OFFICE 97 with OFFICE XP
and at each opening of a file I get the following message
"This message must be launched through setup. For more
information, please visit http://symatec.com/install"
There's nothing useful on the Symantec site !
Then I get a message saying the macros are disabled and
I'd like to enable them all for Word and Excel - how can I do this ?
Thanks to all
Daniel Jones
I've just replaced OFFICE 97 with OFFICE XP
and at each opening of a file I get the following message
"This message must be launched through setup. For more
information, please visit http://symatec.com/install"
There's nothing useful on the Symantec site !
Then I get a message saying the macros are disabled and
I'd like to enable them all for Word and Excel - how can I do this ?
Thanks to all
Daniel Jones