PC- Outlook 2003 adressbook to Mac Entourage 2004 how to?


Joachim Wall

The only way I can get i t to work is to make a vcf-card in the PC and
import i in Mac Entourage. I even get the swedish special signs wrong by
doing it this way!
There must be a better way!!!???

Diane Ross

The only way I can get i t to work is to make a vcf-card in the PC and
import i in Mac Entourage. I even get the swedish special signs wrong by
doing it this way!
There must be a better way!!!???

Check out the options on the "Convert Mail from Windows to Mac" Page:


Entourage can import a .csv file. Just select the option in Outlook to
export as .csv or text file. In Entourage select the Import --> Contacts
from a text file --> tab delimited file and navigate to the .csv file.

Other options:



Transfer Windows® Outlook® email, contacts, and calendar appointments from
your PC to your Macintosh® computer! See this MacTech article for more info
on using Outlook2Mac.


Use Paul Berkowitz's Export-Import Scripts (shareware). Download here


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