Actually, one more little step is needed to make this work. You will
have to edit your registry and add the PCX type to the list of import
filters. Make sure you are comfortable making registry changes before
attempting this and above all else, backup your registry first.
Start by modifying the following key using REGEDIT:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Graphics
This is where you'll want to add a new Key called PCX. Within the PCX
key, add 3 new String Values (Extensions, Name, and Path) that tell
Graphics Importers what to do with pcx files and how to filter them.
Here is how you will want to define each String Value and what REGEDIT
should be showing in the PCX key when you are done:
Extensions REG_SZ pcx
Name REG_SZ ZSoft Paintbrush
Now exit the Registry Editor and you should be good to go. Be sure to
first do as Bob instructed and copy a previous version of the
PCXIMP32.FLT to the Grphflt directory before you try to use it in
(Interesting sidenote: after inserting a PCX file in a Word2003
document, several more KEYS automatically appeared in the registry
entry I created -- Filter API, Image API, and Options. Options I've
seen before in other filters but not the first two keys. Anyone know
how to use them?)
Hope this helps,
Kurt Mayer
MSNADA Certified