
I have read with much amazement the suggestions that OneNote should be
integrated better with PDAs and Outlook and the rather lackluster responses
from MS folk. I'm amazed because this is such an obvious need I cannot
believe it wasn't planned from the beginning.

I have just started a trial version of OneNote to see if it would help me.
Without full integration with Outlook and the ability to easily transfer back
and forth with my Palm PDA, I agree with another user that it is just a
depository. I don't need it.

I think MS must need me as a consultant!

Ben M. Schorr - MVP Outlook/OneNote

I have read with much amazement the suggestions that OneNote should be
integrated better with PDAs and Outlook and the rather lackluster
responses from MS folk. I'm amazed because this is such an obvious
need I cannot believe it wasn't planned from the beginning.

Planning it and delivering it are not the same thing. Porting an
application like this to an entirely different platform in the amount of
time provided is not a trivial matter. Keep in mind that OneNote is a
brand-new product that went from white board to CD in about a year.
There was no way they could include every feature they wanted to given
the project constraints.

SP1 introduced an increasing one-way synchronization between PocketPC
and OneNote which is a step in the right direction. Future versions of
OneNote will undoubtedly expand that capability.
I have just started a trial version of OneNote to see if it would help
me. Without full integration with Outlook and the ability to easily
transfer back and forth with my Palm PDA,

Palm is an entirely different platform and an OS that MS has very little
development resources on. Can you name a Microsoft app that runs on
Palm OS? Perhaps Chapura or Palm will develop a conduit that can sync
the two, as they have with Outlook.
I agree with another user
that it is just a depository. I don't need it.

Well, as my grandfather likes to say "We can't all like the same things;
otherwise everybody'd be after your grandma."


Ben M. Schorr, OneNote-MVP
Stockholm Consulting Group/KSG
Microsoft OneNote FAQ:

**I apologize but I am unable to respond to direct requests for
assistance. Please post questions and replies here in the newsgroup.


Ben M. Schorr - MVP Outlook/OneNote said:
Planning it and delivering it are not the same thing.

Sorry for expecting a little company like Microsoft to be able to deliver a
product that fulfills all of the obvious functions it should have from the

Porting an
application like this to an entirely different platform in the amount of
time provided is not a trivial matter. Keep in mind that OneNote is a
brand-new product that went from white board to CD in about a year.
There was no way they could include every feature they wanted to given
the project constraints.

SP1 introduced an increasing one-way synchronization between PocketPC
and OneNote which is a step in the right direction. Future versions of
OneNote will undoubtedly expand that capability.

Again, I cannot fathom why the need for this wasn't seen in the beginning.
Palm is an entirely different platform and an OS that MS has very little
development resources on. Can you name a Microsoft app that runs on
Palm OS? Perhaps Chapura or Palm will develop a conduit that can sync
the two, as they have with Outlook.

Well, as my grandfather likes to say "We can't all like the same things;
otherwise everybody'd be after your grandma."

I guess I didn't make one point clearly enough. I WOULD like OneNote and
find it very useful if I could use it on my portable notetaking device. But
again, I guess I expect to much from a little workshop like MS.

Ben M. Schorr - MVP Outlook/OneNote

Sorry for expecting a little company like Microsoft to be able to
deliver a product that fulfills all of the obvious functions it should
have from the beginning.

Just because they are a big company doesn't mean they have infinite
resources. You also need to realize that the OneNote team is just one
little team within that giant company. It's not like they threw 50,000
employees and $40 billion in R&D behind OneNote.

The reality is that the OneNote team did as much as they could with what
time they had and they had to prioritize. PDA compatibility, especially
with a competing platform like Palm, wasn't a top priority over things
like good handwriting recognition and a fast and stable search.
Again, I cannot fathom why the need for this wasn't seen in the

It's not a matter of the need not being seen. If they had waited to
deliver the product until they had the time to put in every feature they
wanted to include we'd still be waiting for it.


Ben M. Schorr, OneNote-MVP
Stockholm Consulting Group/KSG
Microsoft OneNote FAQ:

**I apologize but I am unable to respond to direct requests for
assistance. Please post questions and replies here in the newsgroup.

Kathy J

On behalf of those of us who answer questions: Thank you - your kind words,
your thanks, and your appreciation made my day.

Kathryn Jacobs, Microsoft MVP PowerPoint and OneNote
Co-Author of Life on OneNote from Holy Macro! Books
Get OneNote answers at http://www.onenoteanswers.com
Get PowerPoint answers at http://www.powerpointanswers.com
Want to learn OneNote? Check out

I believe life is meant to be lived. But:
if we live without making a difference, it makes no difference that we lived


I did not say anything about Bill Gates being a bad guy. What you read as
hostility was frustration over a product that could be useful to me if fully
implemented. Sorry if you see this as negative but I thought this was a
place I could express my opinion about things.

Ben M. Schorr - MVP Outlook/OneNote

I did not say anything about Bill Gates being a bad guy. What you
read as hostility was frustration over a product that could be useful
to me if fully implemented. Sorry if you see this as negative but I
thought this was a place I could express my opinion about things.

We do value all opinions - the criticisms help us to build a better product
as does the praise. Hopefully you understand, however, that the
development team had finite resources (especially time) and did as much
with the product as they were able to under the circumstances. SP1 was a
big step forward and they are working hard to this very day on the next
version which I think will be an even bigger step forward.

Give them some time -- I think increased PDA integration will come as the
product matures.


Ben M. Schorr, OneNote-MVP
Stockholm Consulting Group/KSG
Microsoft OneNote FAQ:

**I apologize but I am unable to respond to direct requests for assistance.
Please post questions and replies here in the newsgroup. Mahalo!


Ben, Kathy and Chris,

Thanks for responding to these numerous requests. (I think I have made my
point on the need for a straight line in about 3 places!) It takes
considerable patience to continue to read and respond to so many varying
opinions and needs.

I, too, am a heavy PDA user. And, yes, it is a Pocket PC. Right now I am
forced to turn to non-Microsoft products for note keeping that will synch
between the desktop and the Pocket PC. (The built in "Note" facility for
Pocket PC 2003 SE and the prior versions is extremely weak - don't even think
about trying to use that with OneNote. You will be wasting your time. Most
of us have already turned to other, better notes packages such as PhatNotes.)
But I would love to be able to use OneNote on a Pocket PC. Granted, I don't
get the screen real estate and this would be a challenge. But text and other
things would be great. 90% of my note taking in meetings and from phone
calls and from brainstorming sessions is on my PDA!

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