PDF Button on Form



Sorry about that first one...I hit Tab instead of Enter.

Ok...on Excel & Word Adobe puts a button to "Convert to
PDF" or "Convert to PDF and e-mail". How do I get these
to show up in Access?

Albert D. Kallal

In the case of word, or Excel, it does not "just convert", but in fact does
the same thing as if you hit print, and then selected the pdf driver.

So, really, I would assume you are asking how to print, or send a report to
the pdf file. In the case of ms-access, you are much more wide open as to
"what" you want to do.

However, the solution is to simply print the report you make to the pdf
printer driver.

While it seems you have the Adobe Distiller, there is also a number of free
pdf drivers on the net now.

So, perhaps your *real* question is how to make a button that prints a


You're right...I have no problem with a button that prints
a report (or form)...but to print it to pdf? I can get
the form up,file, print, then select pdf...I just want one
button that will make it a pdf without making my users go
through that.
What I'm doing is a weekly group of forms that have been
completed within a timeframe. That group has to be e-
mailed to my user's boss. Pdf is the best way to do it, I
just want to make it easy for data entry people.

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