PDF from Mac turns into Windows Media File



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Intel
Email Client: Exchange

I attached a PDF created on my mac to a message in entourage, but when all my friends with windows PC's get it through our exchange web client, it recognizes the file as a Windows Media file.

My mac automatically has the extensions already in place, so the file does have .pdf after it, but entourage seems to add .wm after the file once it's sent. Does this make sense at all or is the server doing it?

It's very frustrating especially since PDF is supposed to be one of the best formats to email things in. If entourage is messing this up, I'll just switch back to Apple Mail.

Corentin Cras-Méneur

I attached a PDF created on my mac to a message in entourage, but when
all my friends with windows PC's get it through our exchange web client,
it recognizes the file as a Windows Media file.

My mac automatically has the extensions already in place, so the file
does have .pdf after it, but entourage seems to add .wm after the file
once it's sent. Does this make sense at all or is the server doing it?

The server is doing it. It might be trying to make some conversion.




I tried that. I still think it's Entourage. When I go to the web client and attach the same file, the server doesn't make that bad conversion. Hasn't anyone ever had problems with Entourage for Mac misinterpreting files in attachments?

Corentin Cras-Méneur

I tried that. I still think it's Entourage. When I go to the web client
and attach the same file, the server doesn't make that bad conversion.

But is it sending from the same server??
I send PDFs all the time (several times a day) and I never ever saw
that. I haven't red other reports here either.
Hasn't anyone ever had problems with Entourage for Mac misinterpreting
files in attachments?

Not that I've ever seen,


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