pdf help needed



We've only had luck using distiller and that's not totally
reliable. It appears that Microsoft doesn't do enough
research into how people need to be able to use Publisher.
It's a big pain. As a printer we accept Publisher files,
but there are always problems and w/ 2003 many more. BIG
PAIN. Good luck, Cindy
-----Original Message-----
I'm using Publisher 2003...need to create a pdf file. I
have Acrobat 6.0 & accompanying Distiller, tho I'm pretty
unfamiliar w/either program. When I try to do a "Print to
file" and specify "Adobe PDF," I get an error message that
the program "cannot print because of an error." I've
tried EVERYTHING I can think of, including using the
Generic PS driver to create a PS file 1st, but I get the
same message. Spent time going thru the Knowl. Base on MS
website, but to no avail. Could some of my settings be
weird? Anyone have any idea of what I'm doing wrong??


It is reliable if you know what you are doing with the Publisher file.
The only way to guarantee it every time when taking in others files is to
insist they use the freeware Adobe Type Manager with Postscript fonts.

When you find somebody at MS that cares and has enough spinal material to
try to get positive change, rest assured they will get rid of that person as
soon as possible.

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