PDF problems in OneNote



When I copy a PDF into OneNote, Adobe opens up for half a second and then
shuts down. Is OneNote compatiable with PDF or not?

Erik Sojka (MVP)

What version of Acrobat Reader are you running? If it's one of the later
ones (V7?) it's a known bug with interaction with Office.

The only solution I know of is to downgrade to a previous version. You're
probably not using all of the bells and whistles in the latest version

Kathy Jacobs

Actually, it is a bug with 7.0 - so if you upgrade to 7.1 it should work
again. (From experience: NEVER get an Adobe product whose version number
ends in .0 :) )

Erik Sojka (MVP)

Thanks for the info. I've kept with V5 - I never use the bells and
whistles in the later versions and V5 seems very stable and quick.

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