Nicholas Malone
It sounds like the problem is in PageMaker and the PDF
file. In PageMaker, set your 'Compose To' printer
(File>Document Set Up) to Acrobat Distiller. PageMaker's
Export to PDF can be flakey. Try printing directly to
Distiller or print to a PostScript file and distill that.
Also in PageMaker, never use Insert>Object. Always use
File>Place. Graphics should be PDF, EPS or TIF...you get
problems when you put in jpegs, gifs, etc or if you're
trying to link to an MS Office chart or something like
Pagemaker, imported to a PDF document, then imported as a
sub-folder on the website with a link to it for people to
pull up the form. I have been doing this for over a year
with no problems but now the PDF file will not open. If I
am in edit and I Ctrl+Click to check the link the PDF
opens. If I go to the sub-folder and click it the PDF
opens but if I go to Preview or publish it and try to open
it off the site I get a blank screen and it says done on
the bottom.
file. In PageMaker, set your 'Compose To' printer
(File>Document Set Up) to Acrobat Distiller. PageMaker's
Export to PDF can be flakey. Try printing directly to
Distiller or print to a PostScript file and distill that.
Also in PageMaker, never use Insert>Object. Always use
File>Place. Graphics should be PDF, EPS or TIF...you get
problems when you put in jpegs, gifs, etc or if you're
trying to link to an MS Office chart or something like
upcoming classes. Registration forms are done in-----Original Message-----
On our site we have an education page where we list
Pagemaker, imported to a PDF document, then imported as a
sub-folder on the website with a link to it for people to
pull up the form. I have been doing this for over a year
with no problems but now the PDF file will not open. If I
am in edit and I Ctrl+Click to check the link the PDF
opens. If I go to the sub-folder and click it the PDF
opens but if I go to Preview or publish it and try to open
it off the site I get a blank screen and it says done on
the bottom.