Dayo Mitchell said:
Yes, creating via Adobe is different than creating via the OS mechanism,
that's why they can charge more money for it.

Not using this exact
configuration myself (yet), but I believe Acrobat has two ways to create
PDFs--PDFMaker (the toolbar) and Distiller. The Acrobat help should have an
explanation of the differences. You can use Distiller w/o the toolbar.
It has more than that:
- the toolbar
- the Virtual Acrobat PDF printer (through the Print pane as well)
- using the System PDF flasher and optimizing in Acrobat itself
- flashing the file to a .ps file and dumping this one on Distiller.
Acrobat offers a lot of features the System PDF don;t have. There are a
lot of optimizations you can perform. The system can also compress the
poctures the way Acrobat does but only Acrobat can create files using
the latest PDF formats a, optimize the fonts that are embedded, remove
duplicate items in the code, make a secure PDF, PDF forms, embed
thumbnails, create bookmarks, enble html links, embed media (eg
Apparently if you have room to drag the Adobe toolbar to the end of a
different toolbar, it may stay there and annoy you less.
It slows down Office and it's useless IMVHO.... The nasty thing has to
go !! :-<
Next time you launch Acrobat, a warning will pop-up offering you to
reinstall the plug-in. Disable the option and ask the application never
to ask you again.
Or there is a way
to run a macro on startup that will hide the toolbar for you, but should
leave the printer selection available, but someone else will have to help
with that....
I wouldn't do that (and you still have the functions through the Print
Pane anyway).
Conventional wisdom on this problem is that Adobe writes sloppy add-ins that
don't behave properly, and do things like show up even though you uncheck
it. It behaves the same in WinWord.
Yeah, I won't argue with this statement :->>> Don't get me wrong, I love
Acrobat, I just happen to hate the toolbar.
I am not sure what you mean by this....STEs are not usually upgradable
(upgrade defined as buying a new version at less than full price) but they
are updatable (update defined as a downloaded patch that fixes a bug, but is
not a new version). Does that clarify?
It's not related to the S&T edition. This version is not different
(except for the price) from the regular one. Anyway, It's not an Office
bug, it's an Acrobat bug.