Hello, I have the following problem...
The ApprovalStatus parameter is available at AssignmentsGet and
AssignmentsSave methods (Microsoft Office Project 2003 SDK)
When I call AssignmentsGet method filtering by ApprovalStatus parameter:
- If ApprovalStatus = 0: None assigment is returned
- If ApprovalStatus = 1: None assigment is returned
- If ApprovalStatus = 2: None assigment is returned
- If ApprovalStatus = 3: All of the assigment are returned, but all of them
have a 3 in ApprovalStatus parameter.
When I call AssignmentsSave method setting ApprovalStatus parameter to any
of the available values (0, 1, 2 or 3), the error number 7 is returned (The
node name is not recognized as valid syntax for the request.)
Help please !!
Thanks very much
The ApprovalStatus parameter is available at AssignmentsGet and
AssignmentsSave methods (Microsoft Office Project 2003 SDK)
When I call AssignmentsGet method filtering by ApprovalStatus parameter:
- If ApprovalStatus = 0: None assigment is returned
- If ApprovalStatus = 1: None assigment is returned
- If ApprovalStatus = 2: None assigment is returned
- If ApprovalStatus = 3: All of the assigment are returned, but all of them
have a 3 in ApprovalStatus parameter.
When I call AssignmentsSave method setting ApprovalStatus parameter to any
of the available values (0, 1, 2 or 3), the error number 7 is returned (The
node name is not recognized as valid syntax for the request.)
Help please !!
Thanks very much