PDS - ApprovalStatus parameter (AssignmentsGet and AssignmentsSave )



Hello, I have the following problem...

The ApprovalStatus parameter is available at AssignmentsGet and
AssignmentsSave methods (Microsoft Office Project 2003 SDK)

When I call AssignmentsGet method filtering by ApprovalStatus parameter:

- If ApprovalStatus = 0: None assigment is returned

- If ApprovalStatus = 1: None assigment is returned

- If ApprovalStatus = 2: None assigment is returned

- If ApprovalStatus = 3: All of the assigment are returned, but all of them
have a 3 in ApprovalStatus parameter.

When I call AssignmentsSave method setting ApprovalStatus parameter to any
of the available values (0, 1, 2 or 3), the error number 7 is returned (The
node name is not recognized as valid syntax for the request.)

Help please !!

Thanks very much


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