Peculiar things happen with numbered lists in shapes


Bo Hansson

I've created an application that allows users to produce back inserts to CD
jewel cases.

My application lets the user build a single insert - a shape composed of a
number of other shapes,
one of which is a text frame. The actual text is created in a Word document
(sized for the
space available on the insert) and is then copied and pasted into the text

Before printing I use copy and paste to place two instances of the insert
shape on a single A4 sheet.
And at the moment of pasting, I run into trouble if the text frame contains
numbered lists. Word then continues
the numbering sequence in the second insert shape. However, if I choose to
print four (or more) inserts
(two or more A4 sheets), it restarts the numbering in the first insert of
each page.

I've tried a lot of ways to correct this, but failed so far. Hope for
anybodys help!


Stephen English

Hi Bo
Tricky! You may know this. If you click in a list number
line and go Format - Bullets and Numbering , there is a
setting to say Restart numbering. However, it won't start
in the first line of the second text box because I can
reproduce your problem.

The solution I have found is to use a table instead of
text boxes - a three row by one column and make the
borders invisible on the left of the middle row and you
probably have same result.

In a table after copying top cell to bottom cell, you can
reset numbering

Bo Hansson

Sorry Stephen, but I'm yet not ready to abandom text boxes in favour of
tables. The reason for allowing users to create the text section in a Word
document (then copied to a text frame) is that I want the users to have as
many formatting facilities as possible, out of which numbered lists is one.

I've now come a bit further on the way to a possible solution. But to
complete my idea, I need to be able to determine if a certain list line is
part of a numbered list or a bullet list.
Is there a way to do that ?


Bo Hansson

After much struggle and research I've finally found a way to handle my


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