pen input?



i got an iPen mouse device to use as a "pen input" to add drawings to
onenote. does onenote have a feature to make drawing easier, or turn very
wavy lines into straighter lines, or anything like that? my drawings always
come out very poorly because of the mouse input, and am just wondering if
there's any feature in onenote to help correct handwriting. any info would be

Ben M. Schorr - MVP

i got an iPen mouse device to use as a "pen input" to add drawings to
onenote. does onenote have a feature to make drawing easier, or turn very
wavy lines into straighter lines, or anything like that? my drawings
come out very poorly because of the mouse input, and am just wondering if
there's any feature in onenote to help correct handwriting. any info
would be

No, the current version doesn't include any aids like that, except in that
you can use the straight lines on the stationary as guides. One trick you
can use with your pen to generate straighter lines is to put a ruler (or
any other straight edge) down on your writing service and drag the pen
along the edge of the ruler to create your line.

Ben M. Schorr, MVP-OneNote/Outlook
Operations Coordinator
Stockholm/KSG - Honolulu
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