Pen turns to Select Tool


Ron Rosenfeld

Every so often, my pen tool changes into a select tool; and I then have to
click the pen tool again in order to continue writing.

What might be going on that I can change?

M1400 tablet.



Ron Rosenfeld

Do you happen to be activating the pen button (if you have one)?

I have a pen button that is supposed to emulate a right click. I try very hard
not to touch it when in One Note. And there does not seem to be a problem with
inadvertent popping up of right-click menus in other applications.


Chris H.

:cool: I'm guessing you're on a Tablet PC, so which one? Which pen driver are
you running? You might try going into Control Panel/Tablet and Pen
Settings/Pen Options and under the Pen buttons area at the bottom turn off
(remove the check mark) from "Use pen button to right-click" for a while to
see if that's what is kicking off the action.
In memory of a true friend, Windows MVP Alex Nichol

Chris H.
Microsoft Windows MVP/Tablet PC
Tablet Creations -
Associate Expert
Expert Zone -

Benoit Barabe \(MS\)


Is that even when unattended? If so, here's the solution:

OneNote is releasing the file after a period of inactivity. When doing so it
is going back to the selection mode. You can change this delay in
Tools->Options->Open and Save->Accessing files from multiple location and
restart OneNote.

The default in SP1 is very short (1 min I think), you can increase it if you
not accessing your notebook from multiple computer.

Hope this helps,

OneNote Development.

Ron Rosenfeld


Is that even when unattended? If so, here's the solution:

OneNote is releasing the file after a period of inactivity. When doing so it
is going back to the selection mode. You can change this delay in
Tools->Options->Open and Save->Accessing files from multiple location and
restart OneNote.

The default in SP1 is very short (1 min I think), you can increase it if you
not accessing your notebook from multiple computer.

Hope this helps,

OneNote Development.

That might be it; I will try your suggestion and see what happens.


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