People Can't Print My OneNote 2007 Email Sends



I create something with jpegs inserted in OneNote 2007.

I click the email button.

Email format appears and I send the email. The jpegs look reall
spiffy in the body of my email for easy viewing.

Recipients of email drool over how slick it is that the pictures ar
right in the body of the email they just got.

Chest swells with pride that I am such a super-geek guy that ca
show-off my neat OneNote/Outlook 2007 talents!!!

They attempt to print out the email they just got and it fails to prin
the jpegs out that are in the body of their email.

People send back notes to me please re-send your email with the body o
it in PDF or Word format so I can print it!!!

I am deflated and discouraged.

Why can't they print my OneNote/Outlook emails out?????

Kathy Jacobs

Since you are using OneNote 2007, you can save the page/section as a PDF and
attach that when you do your send from OneNote. Then they can go back to
drooling :)

Kathy Jacobs, Microsoft MVP OneNote and PowerPoint
Author of Kathy Jacobs on PowerPoint
Get PowerPoint and OneNote information at

I believe life is meant to be lived. But:
if we live without making a difference, it makes no difference that we lived



1st off..... I really want to thank you for taking the time to respond
to my question. You guys are buried in this forum and to get a respond
in my mind is golden!

OK, this problem is currently my biggest hurdle with ON and OL 2007.

I really don't want to go back to mid-90's type email style with
sending attachments. I want to take advantage of the opportunity ON &
OL have offered me with embedding jpegs or anything from ON 2007 right
in the heart of my message body. That to me is riding the 2007 email

Now maybe you are saying... in addition to doing my embedded images in
the body, publish an additional PDF of it as an attachment in the same
outgoing email. I thought about this option, but if my embedded
product is say 3MB and my published PDF is also 3MB.... I think I'm
really pushing the system with 6MB emails being thrown around.

This brings me back to my basic original question. If the people can
see the image in the body of their preferred email client.....why when
they hit the print button are they not able to print it?

Apologize for the length of this but I'm really stumped on this and
have not had success getting a response on this from several sources
until you. Thanks again.


Kathy Jacobs

You did guess correctly in saying that I am suggesting sending both. I agree
that 6 mg email is pretty big and probably not the solution. I would kind
of wonder what you are sending that is creating that big of a PDF, but that
is a different thread and a different issue.

As to why things aren't printing the way people expect them to, that could
be coming from any number of situations ranging from different printers to
different ways of handling the graphics when Outlook opens the emails (for
example different versions of Outlook, different email editors (Word or not
Word), etc.) It is even possible that Outlook itself is blocking the images
from being printed.

Let's do a simple test. Unknot my email and send me one of your sample
emails. I will try to print it here and let you know what I get. As we
figure things out, we will post here and let others know what is going on.

Thanks for the thanks also - that is what keeps us all going!

Kathy Jacobs, Microsoft MVP OneNote and PowerPoint
Author of Kathy Jacobs on PowerPoint
Get PowerPoint and OneNote information at

I believe life is meant to be lived. But:
if we live without making a difference, it makes no difference that we lived

Kathy Jacobs

Ok... Skip and I are working on this, but we are not getting very far. So we
would like to know:

Is ANYONE else having problems printing emails sent from OneNote 2007 (via
Outlook 2007)? If so, please post back and let me know
1) Are you using Exchange to send the emails?
2) Are the people getting the emails using Outlook 2003, a web email client,
or something else?
3) What do the people getting the emails see when they print?

Kathy Jacobs, Microsoft MVP OneNote and PowerPoint
Author of Kathy Jacobs on PowerPoint
Get PowerPoint and OneNote information at

I believe life is meant to be lived. But:
if we live without making a difference, it makes no difference that we lived

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