percenatge of actual work completed



I have two questions that most of you probably find fundamental. The second is actually a request.

1. Can I show % complete based on an estimate of completed work, not based on days?
Say I created a task with a 15d duration and had set the actual start date to 10 days ago. I'm now predicting, based on the amount of work left to do that I am 95% complete with the actual work that needs to be done.
How and where do I input that data so that % complete refers to the work and is not a function of the duration?
I want to show that I am 95% complete with the work and will probably come ahead of schedule. Tomorrow, the % may drop to 50% based on a new requirement, which means that I'm probably going to be behind schedule.

2. I have read in several threads that certain fields should almost never be edited. If so than I'd rather not have those columns displayed. Can anyone shared their prefferred column list display that might make project management easier or more stable? I'm working in the gantt chart. I thought that % Work Completed, Actual Start Date and Finish Date would be handy columns show. Although % Work Complete isn't showing what I expected (see question 1.)

Gérard Ducouret

Insert the % Work Complete in any table, for ex. in the Entry table :
- Select a column : click on its title,
- Menu : Insert / Column / Field Name : % Work Complete
You can also create Tables (a set of columns) with all the fields you want :
View / Table / More tables... / New...

Gérard Ducouret

pahuntr said:
I have two questions that most of you probably find fundamental. The second is actually a request.

1. Can I show % complete based on an estimate of completed work, not based on days?
Say I created a task with a 15d duration and had set the actual start date
to 10 days ago. I'm now predicting, based on the amount of work left to do
that I am 95% complete with the actual work that needs to be done.
How and where do I input that data so that % complete refers to the
work and is not a function of the duration?
I want to show that I am 95% complete with the work and will probably come
ahead of schedule. Tomorrow, the % may drop to 50% based on a new
requirement, which means that I'm probably going to be behind schedule.
2. I have read in several threads that certain fields should almost never
be edited. If so than I'd rather not have those columns displayed. Can
anyone shared their prefferred column list display that might make project
management easier or more stable? I'm working in the gantt chart. I
thought that % Work Completed, Actual Start Date and Finish Date would be
handy columns show. Although % Work Complete isn't showing what I expected
(see question 1.)


Yeah but, The % Work complete doesn't get me what I want
With % Work Complete shown, if I have a 10d duration and I'm in day 2 and I enter 90%, then the original finish date changes....Oh wait a should right. Because all the information I'm looking for as far as under and over runs is gotten by comparing against the baseline. But how can I get that underrun or overrun show up on a presentation or a printout.

John Beamish

It appears you are confusing the plan with the baseline of the plan.

The baseline (Tools | Tracking | Save baseline ...) is used to record and
preserve a set of "estimates" describing the estimated dates and durations.
Generally speaking, once you create a baseline it is *never* changed unless
you get an authorized change order and the scope of the project has changed.
(Note: I said "generally" ... the diligence with which you apply this rule
will depend on your company and the project.)

The plan is dynamic and reflects all current knowledge about the tasks,
durations, resource assignments and actual work performed.

pahuntr said:
Yeah but, The % Work complete doesn't get me what I want.
With % Work Complete shown, if I have a 10d duration and I'm in day 2 and
I enter 90%, then the original finish date changes....Oh wait a
should right. Because all the information I'm looking for as far as under
and over runs is gotten by comparing against the baseline. But how can I
get that underrun or overrun show up on a presentation or a printout.

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