Percentage Data Type



I'm having trouble with my percentage field displaying correctly. I set my
data type to number and formated it to percentage. From what I read if you
enter .45 or o.45 it should multiply that by 100 so it displays as 45%. When
I enter a whole number like 2 I get 200%, but anything that I enter as a
decimal comes out displayed as 0. Is there a glich to this or a trick to get
it to display right? (Access 2003)

Jeff Boyce

Any chance you set the datatype of the field to "Integer"?


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP

Ken Sheridan

I'm sure Jeff is right, but just to clarify it a little, in table design view
the data type shows as number against the field name. In the properties
sheet below the Field Size property will be Long Integer by default. Drop
down the list of available types and select Double or Single depending on the
degree of precision you need for the floating point number.

Ken Sheridan
Stafford, England

Jeff Boyce

.... and if you'll only need two decimal places (or up to 4), you can use the
"Currency" datatype.


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP


That worked. Thanks! I guess I hadn't read before about percentage data
types. Much appreciated.

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