Percentage for zero gives error



In a report I have an expression:

Pct of Budget Spent: ([Expenditures Optical Concat]!

When the value in both of the above fields are 0, the
reports shows "#error" Otherwise, it produces the correct

When I use this expression in the same report:


The Text48 field has the following expression in it:

Unspent Balance: Sum([tblBudgetSubtype]![OpticalBudgeted]-
[Expenditures Optical Concat]![SumOfAMOUNT])

The report shows "#Num!". All fields with numbers show the
correct percentage and all numbers are formatted as
currency. What am I missing? Thanks Dennis

Michel Walsh



Pct of Budget Spent: ([Expenditures Optical Concat]!
[SumOfAMOUNT] / iif( 0=tblBudgetSubtype.OpticalBudgeted , 1,
tblBudgetSubtype.OpticalBudgeted )

Hoping it may help,
Vanderghast, Access MVP

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