Percentage Increase Tables



I am trying to create a price list where Column A is the wholesale price,
column B is the trade price and Column C is the retail price. I want to take
the figure in ColA and increase it by 85% to give a retail figure in Col C.
The problem I have is that in A each row has a different amount. How can I
create a formulae where it automatically changes the ColA to ColA1, ColA2 etc
to save me writing individula formuale for each line.

At the moment I have to manually write in Col C the formulae =A1*(1+85%) to
give me the retail total for colomn C. Then go to Line A2 and do the same
but changing the formulae to =A2*(1+85%). Is there a way to do this in excel
that will automatically change the A1 to 2, then 3 etc so I only write the
formulae once?

Same thing applies to Col B but Col B total needs to be Col c Total less
20%. Help apprecaited

Sean Timmons

You need only type the formula as =A1*(1+85%) and paste down. Please go to
Tools > Options > Calculation tab and ensure calculation is set to Automatic.
Same would go for column B formula.


Sean said:
You need only type the formula as =A1*(1+85%) and paste down. Please go
Tools > Options > Calculation tab and ensure calculation is set to
Same would go for column B formula.

alternatively enter your formula in C1 and double click the handle at
the lower right corner of the cell when it is selected.
The formula will extend as long as there is data in the column left of
it ( and right since 2003 I think)


Fantastic, thanks Sean problem solved and it worked perfectly which has saved
me a chore.

thanks again.


Sean Timmons

That's why the pay us the big bucks.. wait.. I don't get paid for this? :)

Julia123 said:
Fantastic, thanks Sean problem solved and it worked perfectly which has saved
me a chore.

thanks again.


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