There's a checkbox in the custom field definition screen, right under the
formula section, that tells whether to perform the calculation for summary
tasks as well as subtasks - make sure it's turned on.
To fix the milestone problem you'll need to use an "if" function to test to
see if the task is a milestone and only perform the calculation if it is
IIf([Milestone], " - ", ([BCWS]/[Baseline Cost])*100 & " %")
displays a dash for milestones. Better:
IIf([Milestone], IIf([Baseline Start]<[Status Date], "100 %","0 %"),
([BCWS]/[Baseline Cost])*100 & " %")
will display a 0% for milestones that aren't due by the status date, 100%
for milestones that should have been crossed before the status date and the
"Should be %" calculation Gerard suggested for non-milestone tasks. Even
IIf([Milestone], IIf([Baseline Start]<[Status Date] OR [Deadline] <
[Status Date],"100 %","0 %"), ([BCWS]/[Baseline Cost])*100 & " %")
adds consideration for deadlines for milestones as well. As written here it
will show 100% for the "Should be" field either if a deadline exists before
the status date or if the baseline start date is less than the status date.
Milestones are always either 0 % or 100%. Sine they are only a point in the
project and have no duration or work associated with them, you've either
passed it or you haven't, there's no middle ground.
Steve House [MVP]
MS Project Trainer/Consultant
Visit for the FAQs
Hello Gerard
Sorry to say but I'm still having problems!
Firstly, in the column "Should be %" milestones with zero
duration shows #ERROR, I guess due to trying to divide by
Secondly, I only get a `0' in the sub-project line and not
an overall "Should be %" for the sub-project. Possibly
because I haven't interpreted your advice correctly with
respect to Tools/Organiser/Fields...?
And thirdly, the "Should be %" is calulating to 8 decimal
places and I can't figure out how to get only integers?
Can you put me on the right lines?
-----Original Message-----
Hello David,
You can use the Earned value method, whilst you don't manage resources load.
In the Resource Sheet view, create a "Fake resource", it's Standard rate
would be $1/d.
In the Gantt Chart, assign this Fake resource on every elementary task.
Save the Baseline : Tolls / Tracking / Save baseline / OK
Set the Status Date to the appropriate date : Project / Project Information
/ Status date...
In a table of your choice, insert a Text field : Text1 for ex. : Insert /
Right Click the field caption : select Customize Fields...
Rename : "Should be %"
Formula : ([BCWS]/[Baseline Cost])*100 & " %"
NB : You have to copy this field in each of your 24 sub- projects and in the
Master project too.
Tools / Organizer / Fields...
Tell us if it works for you,
Gérard Ducouret
"David Moss" <
[email protected]> a écrit dans le message
de news:
[email protected]...
Very recently I have inherited a project which has over
2700 activities spread across 24 sub-projects. None of the
activities have any resources or costs attached to them,
only time. I have been told that each month, by a given
date, I need to update the progress on each activity so
that I can report to the project manager the percentage
complete for any given activity, sub-project or the
project overall. This isn't a problem but in addition I've
been asked to provide the percentage that should have been
completed for each activity, sub-project and project
overall i.e. 25% complete should be 35% etc.
Despite spending many hours trying to find out how this
can be done relatively easily, I haven't found a way and
now I'm afraid that I'm going to have to do this manually
for each activity.
If somebody could help me I would be truly grateful.
David Moss