Would you please help me to calculate the percentage of each category, but
not the NOT ANSWER (in my case is 9) and the total of percentage for Strongly
Agree, Agree, Neutral, Disagree and Strongly Disagree equals to 100%?
I assume that people who didn't answer the question will choose AGREE
I my report I have following information.
Scale Evaluation Percentage
(I collected form customers)
5 Strongly Agree 2
4 Agree 1
3 Neutrol 2
2 Disagree 4
1 Strongly Disagree 1
0 Not Answer 9
Total = 11
Thank you
Would you please help me to calculate the percentage of each category, but
not the NOT ANSWER (in my case is 9) and the total of percentage for Strongly
Agree, Agree, Neutral, Disagree and Strongly Disagree equals to 100%?
I assume that people who didn't answer the question will choose AGREE
I my report I have following information.
Scale Evaluation Percentage
(I collected form customers)
5 Strongly Agree 2
4 Agree 1
3 Neutrol 2
2 Disagree 4
1 Strongly Disagree 1
0 Not Answer 9
Total = 11
Thank you