


in a querie i've got a field in which certain numbers are
calculated. these are percentages. I've given this field
the property that it needs to be presented as a percentage
figure with 2 decimals.
when i then run this querie it rounds the percentages to
whole numbers, for example 0.4159 becomes 42% instead of
does anyone know how I can solve this


If you want a percentage with 2 decimal places, you have to set the field
property to 4 decimal places. The decimal count in the field property is
what gets stored, not what is shown, so if you have it set for 2 decimals
places and the format is percentage, when you enter 41.59, it gets stored as
0.4159, but since you have it set to 2 decimal places, the 59 get truncated.
Setting the decimals to 4 should fix the problem. The best way would be to
leave the decimal out unless you are trying to limit what is stored and use
a custom format to show the result.


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