


Hey guys, i want to know if there is a way to do something like this

I have a columns of numbers, and i want to display a percentage behind the
value in the same cell
like this..

45 (40%)
45 (48%)

Is there a code ic an put behind the value that will display the percentage?




Not in the same cell
If you have the no in A1 and percentage in B then you can have
=A1 & "(" & B1 & ")"
in C1

Luke M

Probably. But a percentage of what? What is it based on?

You can concatenate multiple functions together like so:

=FunctionOne&" ("&PercentageFunction&")"

The downside is that this is now a text value, so can not be used in further
calculations. (unless you convert it back using some method)

Mike H


It would have helped to know how your numbers are derived but this may get
you going along the right lines. Put 100 in A1 and then this formula in a cell

=A1*0.45&" ("& TEXT(A1/100*0.45,"0.00%")&" )"



Let me make this more clear, sorry.

there are a total of 100 sqaures and circles

Circles 56 (56%)
Squares 54 (54%)

can i write a code behind the value, that will basically display 56/100, or
54/100 as a percentage?




How about formatting the cells as percentage?
Right click on the target cells
Select Format Cells
Choose Percentage under Category in Number tab
Scroll down to 0 using the arrow down in Decimal

You can still do calculation using this and the results in the select cells
will be generated as percentage automatically

Hope this is helpful

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cheers, francis

Am not a greek but an ordinary user trying to assist another


I suggest that you put an equal sign, = , in the cells where you need
percentage and format as I have mentioned earlier.

This way, you will have original numbers display without % and another with %
If you need them to be in the same cell, then try
=B2&" "&"("&B2&"%"&")" which will give you 56 (56%).
copy, paste special, value to the cells location and delete the cells with
but take note that this is a text and can't be use for calculation.
Hope this is helpful

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Thank You

cheers, francis

Am not a greek but an ordinary user trying to assist another

Gord Dibben

Still doesn't give OP what he asked for in the sample shown originally.

45 is 40% of 113 or 48% of 94

I would suggest a formula in B1 like =A1&TEXT(A1/C1," (0%)")

Where C1 is a number like 113 or 94

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

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