Performance Degredation when Outlook 2000 is running


Ross Hendry

My customer is running Windows 2000 on an up to date good
quality ASUS PC with an Athlon 2Gb CPU, 512 MB DDR RAM.
Primary drive is a 2 x 80GB HDD (Adaptec 1200 RAIDed
Mirroring)Secondary HDD 80GB. The probelm is that when he
runs Outlook 2000 Corp and Workgroup option, it very
significantly degrades the performance of his PC. The
customer has been using Outlook Express 6 until recently
when he purchased a Dell Axim PDA, he then installed
Outlook 2002 (supplied with the PDA) this caused all
sorts of problems, duplicated incomming emails each time
a send and receive was done. I eventually find out from
the knowledge base that I had to remove all copies of
Office from his PC and reload Office 2000 premium, simply
removing outlook 2002 and reloading outlook 2000 caused
more problems. This cured the E-mail problem but has left
a sever performance problem. The customer needs Outlook
to syncronise his PDA and so I need a solution where he
can run outlook and his other applications, these are
mainly Microsoft Office applications. The performance
degredation takes the form of very slow opening of Word
(30seconds) and Excel (30seconds)documents and sheets and
is particularly noticeable when opening a mail merge
word/Access document (Over 1 min to open). What can I do
to resolve this problem. There is also an issue that when
outlook is running it affects MS internet explorer and
prevents downloading of files. I have extensively scanned
for viruses using AVG 6 daily and trying Stinger and
CWShredder and also running Adaware 6 as the symptoms are
similar to that of having a virus. No viruses etc were
found! Any help will be greatly appreciated.

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