Performance issue when opening MS Proj Pro 2003 through citrix


EPM Consultant

Hi All,

I am facing some performance issue during opening MS Project Pro though
Citrix. All EPM servers are location in Toronto (Canada) and Client are
trying op open MS Project Pro 2003 from England and NewYork.

Can you help me to find out the reason abt this performance issue why?and
whats the best way to get rid of this difficult situation?

Your help would be highly appreciated. Looking towards your earliest reply.

EPM Consultant

Rick Roszko

Do you want a simple answer?

Dump Citrix. I have never been to any customer site where Citrix worked
properly repeatably for any length of time for any application, let alone MS
Project Server. (That being said, I heard the newest release is stable, but
I haven't worked with it myself so please verify.)

Instead, create a MS Terminal Services Server. No, this isn't giving access
to your users directly on MS Project Server; it's another server (just like a
Citrix box, a Terminal Services box; the difference is about 10000000%
better). Users log into the MS Terminal Services Server and then launch MS
Project or IE for PWA...

Not what you were looking for probaly, but MS Terminal Services is solid...

John Sitka

Rick maybe you can help me track down an issue with terminal server.
We set up a few dedicated terminal server domain accounts that lock down the profile to just run Project.
I'm having trouble with succesive (same) logins maintain settings such as calculate -> Automatic -> yes
calculate -> all open projects - > no (or similar).
Also Project Tasks panel will not stay hidden or off, and other generally UI settings/configuration type stuff.
I really wanted users to use their own Domain accounts to get to terminal server but the one IT guy kept
wanting to complicate things. So training takes longer because, each resource management session takes longer,
proper useage of the software is not positively reinforced because results are inconsistant. It's pretty frustrating. The IT
arguement was that
the generic accounts would allow a shift in personnel to adopt the Project Software usage on behalf of a different user, and thus
administration. Great lower administration in exchage for sub par useability.

EPM Consultant

Hi Rick,

First of all thanks for your response. As you mentioned in your last email
that we should use MS Terminal Server rather than Citrix. As per my
understanding (please correct me if i am wrong), Citrix also use MS teminal
services once you click any application for e.g. MS Professional. After
connection with Citrix, it authenticates login info with MS Windows server
Please correct me if i am wrong.

Thanks a lot!!!
EPM Consultant

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