Hi All,
I have a VBA code which generates a word document from oracle data base.
i get the data from oracle 1800 tables, at the end the document will be
having 450 pages.
It runs fast upto first 100 tables then it will slow down, i go to back
end to get the data from each table.
if i comment out the code in both the for loops it completes in 3 minutes.
other wise it takes 2 hours.
so i guess, creating the table headers and populating the data into table
is a bottle
neck in the following function.
any idea or suggestions are welcome.
please see the sample function:
Public Function GenerateTable(Obj As TableObj, TADO As Object)
Dim x, j As Integer
Dim FieldText As String
Dim Width As Double
Dim ModBitFlag As Variant
Dim ModBitSet As Integer
Dim myRange As Object
Dim ModBitArray(1) As Long
Dim nSavePoint As Integer
nSavePoint = 0
' ActiveDocument.Styles(wdStyleHeading1).Font.Bold = False
' .Bold = True
' .Name = "Arial"
' .Size = 24
Set myRange = RamaObj.Range
myRange.Collapse (wdCollapseEnd)
With myRange
.Style = wdStyleNormal
' .Style = wdStyleHeading4
' TObj.DataStyle
End With
Set OTable = RamaObj.Tables.Add(myRange, Obj.NumRecs + 1, Obj.NumCols,
wdWord9TableBehavior, wdAutoFitFixed)
OTable.LeftPadding = 1
OTable.RightPadding = 1
OTable.Borders.InsideLineStyle = wdLineStyleSingle
OTable.Borders.OutsideLineStyle = wdLineStyleSingle
OTable.Rows.Alignment = Obj.TableAlignment
OTable.Rows.HeightRule = wdRowHeightAuto
OTable.Rows.Height = 8
' initialize table and populate column headers
For x = 0 To Obj.NumCols - 1
Width = CDbl(Obj.Cols(x).Width)
OTable.Columns(x + 1).SetWidth ColumnWidth:=InchesToPoints(Width),
If Obj.Cols(x).DispHead = 1 Then
OTable.Cell(Row:=1, Column:=(x + 1)).Range.InsertAfter
'OTable.Cell(Row:=1, Column:=(x + 1)).Range.Style = Obj.HeadStyle
End If
' Populate Table data
j = 2
While Not TADO.EOF
nSavePoint = nSavePoint + 1
UserForm1.CurrentCTRow.Text = "" & j - 1
DoEvents ' Refresh dialog
ModBitFlag = TADO(Obj.ModOffset)
ExtractModBit ModBitModulo, ModBitFlag, ModBitArray
For x = 0 To Obj.NumCols - 1
FieldText = "" & TADO(Obj.Cols(x).Offset)
ModBitSet = TestModBit(ModBitModulo, Obj.Cols(x).Offset,
If FieldText <> "" Then
OTable.Cell(Row:=j, Column:=x + 1).Range.InsertAfter FieldText
' OTable.Cell(Row:=j, Column:=x + 1).Range.Style =
' If ModBitSet Then
' OTable.Cell(Row:=j, Column:=x + 1).Shading.Texture =
' End If
End If
j = j + 1
If nSavePoint = 10 Then
nSavePoint = 0
End If
OTable.Rows.HeightRule = wdRowHeightAuto
End Function
I have a VBA code which generates a word document from oracle data base.
i get the data from oracle 1800 tables, at the end the document will be
having 450 pages.
It runs fast upto first 100 tables then it will slow down, i go to back
end to get the data from each table.
if i comment out the code in both the for loops it completes in 3 minutes.
other wise it takes 2 hours.
so i guess, creating the table headers and populating the data into table
is a bottle
neck in the following function.
any idea or suggestions are welcome.
please see the sample function:
Public Function GenerateTable(Obj As TableObj, TADO As Object)
Dim x, j As Integer
Dim FieldText As String
Dim Width As Double
Dim ModBitFlag As Variant
Dim ModBitSet As Integer
Dim myRange As Object
Dim ModBitArray(1) As Long
Dim nSavePoint As Integer
nSavePoint = 0
' ActiveDocument.Styles(wdStyleHeading1).Font.Bold = False
' .Bold = True
' .Name = "Arial"
' .Size = 24
Set myRange = RamaObj.Range
myRange.Collapse (wdCollapseEnd)
With myRange
.Style = wdStyleNormal
' .Style = wdStyleHeading4
' TObj.DataStyle
End With
Set OTable = RamaObj.Tables.Add(myRange, Obj.NumRecs + 1, Obj.NumCols,
wdWord9TableBehavior, wdAutoFitFixed)
OTable.LeftPadding = 1
OTable.RightPadding = 1
OTable.Borders.InsideLineStyle = wdLineStyleSingle
OTable.Borders.OutsideLineStyle = wdLineStyleSingle
OTable.Rows.Alignment = Obj.TableAlignment
OTable.Rows.HeightRule = wdRowHeightAuto
OTable.Rows.Height = 8
' initialize table and populate column headers
For x = 0 To Obj.NumCols - 1
Width = CDbl(Obj.Cols(x).Width)
OTable.Columns(x + 1).SetWidth ColumnWidth:=InchesToPoints(Width),
If Obj.Cols(x).DispHead = 1 Then
OTable.Cell(Row:=1, Column:=(x + 1)).Range.InsertAfter
'OTable.Cell(Row:=1, Column:=(x + 1)).Range.Style = Obj.HeadStyle
End If
' Populate Table data
j = 2
While Not TADO.EOF
nSavePoint = nSavePoint + 1
UserForm1.CurrentCTRow.Text = "" & j - 1
DoEvents ' Refresh dialog
ModBitFlag = TADO(Obj.ModOffset)
ExtractModBit ModBitModulo, ModBitFlag, ModBitArray
For x = 0 To Obj.NumCols - 1
FieldText = "" & TADO(Obj.Cols(x).Offset)
ModBitSet = TestModBit(ModBitModulo, Obj.Cols(x).Offset,
If FieldText <> "" Then
OTable.Cell(Row:=j, Column:=x + 1).Range.InsertAfter FieldText
' OTable.Cell(Row:=j, Column:=x + 1).Range.Style =
' If ModBitSet Then
' OTable.Cell(Row:=j, Column:=x + 1).Shading.Texture =
' End If
End If
j = j + 1
If nSavePoint = 10 Then
nSavePoint = 0
End If
OTable.Rows.HeightRule = wdRowHeightAuto
End Function