John said:
I have an html page that I need to send to all email addresses that are
coming from an excel spreadsheet. How can I do such mailshot? If not with
outlook is there a utility that can do it?
Many Thanks
Have you check with your e-mail provider regarding their anti-spam and
anti-abuse quotas (if they will divulge them)? While mail merge and
bulk mailer programs can let you send the same e-mail to multiple
recipients but send one e-mail to one recipient to prevent hitting a
maximum-recipients-per-email quota, your e-mail provider may employ
other quotas, especially for a personal-use account. For example, they
may allow you to send a maximum of emails per hour or day. They may
have a limit for the total number of recipients to which you send emails
in a day (which is not the total number of emails but the total number
of recipients across all your emails). They may allow a maximum number
of mail sessions per minute or 5 minutes; i.e., you can't establish more
than that many within the time frame allowed which is used to slow down
the rate at which you can send emails.
Being able to do it on your end doesn't mean your e-mail provider will
let you do it on their end. If you're going to be slamming out tons of
spam or bulk mails then you had better find out what are the quotas or
restrictions on your e-mail account.