I am a beginning-to-intermediate user of Access, I recently ran this query
(QBE), but I often wonder if there was a better way of approaching this…maybe
through SQL? I mainly use the QBE, but I often wonder if I am limiting
myself. First of all, the data I am working with has two tables that are set
up with a one-to-many relationship. (Hindsight, they should have probably
been set up using a many-to-many relationship, with a link table, but that is
not the way it is set up. (I did not predict the movement I got with these
animals). Here are some examples of the two tables, with some sample data.
Table one: tblDaySiteSurveys
SystemNo SiteID SurveyDate AirTemp TimeStart TimeEnd
1 PTH 6/3/2003 3:30:00 PM
137 RMM 6/3/2003 15.2 11:36:00 AM 12:06:00 PM
2 CAS 6/4/2003 3:46:00 PM 4:18:00 PM
3 GSP 6/4/2003 4:31:00 PM 4:40:00 PM
4 ECH 6/4/2003 11:30:00 AM 1:02:00 PM
134 MOS 6/5/2003 11.3 11:47:00 AM 1:27:00 PM
136 VMC 6/5/2003 2:00:00 PM
131 CLM 6/5/2003 11.3 11:47:00 AM 1:27:00 PM
132 UVM 6/5/2003 11.3 11:47:00 AM 1:27:00 PM
133 MVM 6/5/2003 11.3 11:47:00 AM 1:27:00 PM
8 SMP 6/18/2005 12.5 12:13:00 AM 3:15:00 PM
Table two: tblAnimalCaptures (Thousands of Records)
UniqueCaptureId SystemNo CaptureTime Recapture PitTagNumber GrossWeight_g Sex AgeClass
1 4 11:30 N 4411234567 30 F A
2 4 11:30 N 4412345678 29.2 M A
3 4 11:30 N 4413456789 22.9 M A
4 4 11:35 N 4414567891 22 M A
5 4 11:40 N 4415678910 23.1 M A
6 4 11:40 N 4416789101 25.7 M A
7 4 11:49 N 4417891011 21 M A
8 4 11:52 N 4418910111 44.9 F A
9 4 12:47 N 4419101112 20 M A
10 4 12:50 N 4411011121 20.1 M A
11 4 13:02 N 4411112131 22.1 M A
12 8 12:55 Y 4412345678 32 M A
13 8 13:22 Y 4414567891 23 M A
14 8 13:25 N 4411213145 33 F J
As you can see each day we go out, we can get multiple captures, each survey
data get a unique record in tblDaySiteSurveys, and each capture during that
day gets a uniqueCaptureId. Of course a PitTagged animal can get captured
multiple days, but the animals are actually traveling to other sites as well
So, what I wanted to ask of this data, was give me all the captures (Unique
pit-tags) at say SiteID “SMP†and of the those captures, what other sites did
that pit tag exist in? So in the QBE first did a query with the two tables
linked and asked it to give me site SMP, and unique PitTags. Then I used
that query, in another query linking the pittags I got from the first query,
linked to pittags in the regular table, and then I ask it to give me SiteId.
A two step process, but I got my answer, however…I am going to do this type
of query a lot and would love to know a better way of approaching this. I
would even like to know the pittags from SMP that were not in any other
location. Etc. Hope this all makes sense. Any advice would be well
received, I would definitely like to expand my horizons. Thank You!
P.S. Should I possibly restructure these table to make them many-to-many?
(QBE), but I often wonder if there was a better way of approaching this…maybe
through SQL? I mainly use the QBE, but I often wonder if I am limiting
myself. First of all, the data I am working with has two tables that are set
up with a one-to-many relationship. (Hindsight, they should have probably
been set up using a many-to-many relationship, with a link table, but that is
not the way it is set up. (I did not predict the movement I got with these
animals). Here are some examples of the two tables, with some sample data.
Table one: tblDaySiteSurveys
SystemNo SiteID SurveyDate AirTemp TimeStart TimeEnd
1 PTH 6/3/2003 3:30:00 PM
137 RMM 6/3/2003 15.2 11:36:00 AM 12:06:00 PM
2 CAS 6/4/2003 3:46:00 PM 4:18:00 PM
3 GSP 6/4/2003 4:31:00 PM 4:40:00 PM
4 ECH 6/4/2003 11:30:00 AM 1:02:00 PM
134 MOS 6/5/2003 11.3 11:47:00 AM 1:27:00 PM
136 VMC 6/5/2003 2:00:00 PM
131 CLM 6/5/2003 11.3 11:47:00 AM 1:27:00 PM
132 UVM 6/5/2003 11.3 11:47:00 AM 1:27:00 PM
133 MVM 6/5/2003 11.3 11:47:00 AM 1:27:00 PM
8 SMP 6/18/2005 12.5 12:13:00 AM 3:15:00 PM
Table two: tblAnimalCaptures (Thousands of Records)
UniqueCaptureId SystemNo CaptureTime Recapture PitTagNumber GrossWeight_g Sex AgeClass
1 4 11:30 N 4411234567 30 F A
2 4 11:30 N 4412345678 29.2 M A
3 4 11:30 N 4413456789 22.9 M A
4 4 11:35 N 4414567891 22 M A
5 4 11:40 N 4415678910 23.1 M A
6 4 11:40 N 4416789101 25.7 M A
7 4 11:49 N 4417891011 21 M A
8 4 11:52 N 4418910111 44.9 F A
9 4 12:47 N 4419101112 20 M A
10 4 12:50 N 4411011121 20.1 M A
11 4 13:02 N 4411112131 22.1 M A
12 8 12:55 Y 4412345678 32 M A
13 8 13:22 Y 4414567891 23 M A
14 8 13:25 N 4411213145 33 F J
As you can see each day we go out, we can get multiple captures, each survey
data get a unique record in tblDaySiteSurveys, and each capture during that
day gets a uniqueCaptureId. Of course a PitTagged animal can get captured
multiple days, but the animals are actually traveling to other sites as well
So, what I wanted to ask of this data, was give me all the captures (Unique
pit-tags) at say SiteID “SMP†and of the those captures, what other sites did
that pit tag exist in? So in the QBE first did a query with the two tables
linked and asked it to give me site SMP, and unique PitTags. Then I used
that query, in another query linking the pittags I got from the first query,
linked to pittags in the regular table, and then I ask it to give me SiteId.
A two step process, but I got my answer, however…I am going to do this type
of query a lot and would love to know a better way of approaching this. I
would even like to know the pittags from SMP that were not in any other
location. Etc. Hope this all makes sense. Any advice would be well
received, I would definitely like to expand my horizons. Thank You!
P.S. Should I possibly restructure these table to make them many-to-many?