When I have Word 2003 open, the mouse pointer turns into an hourglass for a
short time every 9 or 10 seconds, which of course disrupts my work. If I
leave Word open and move the pointer off Word, hourglassing does not occur. I
can't find anything in Word Options related to this. I also shut down all
other programs that might be causing this, with no improvement. This does not
happen on any other programs, including other Office 2003 programs, or
another computer running Word 2003. I would appreciate any helpful
suggestions. Thanks.
short time every 9 or 10 seconds, which of course disrupts my work. If I
leave Word open and move the pointer off Word, hourglassing does not occur. I
can't find anything in Word Options related to this. I also shut down all
other programs that might be causing this, with no improvement. This does not
happen on any other programs, including other Office 2003 programs, or
another computer running Word 2003. I would appreciate any helpful
suggestions. Thanks.