Permanently dock toolbars?

  • Thread starter ArchieD via
  • Start date

ArchieD via

Hi all

Is there a way to programatically permanently fix the position of custom
toolbars? We have three custom toolbars which we use in place of the
standard & formatting ones (plus one other). What we want is for all users
to have the three toolbars displayed one beneath the other by default. The
problem is that for some users two of the toolbars insist on appearing on one
line. Every time they start Word they drag them to the required spot & every
time they re-start, off they go again.

I will try the option to reset usage data but would really like to find a
transparent solution. Also, we don't really want to encourage users to use
the 'Customise' command - we're trying to keep them away from that. Anyway,
would this resolve the problem for custom toolbars do you think?

We overwrite the main system templates every time a user logs in but this
doesn't resolve the problem. Is the setting for the position of the toolbars
stored in the Registry?

Thanks in advance for any help.


debbieprobert via

Hi all

I found the/an answer - just posting it in case it's of any interest to
anyone else in the future:

With CommandBars("ToolbarName1")
.Position = msoBarTop
.RowIndex = 2
.Left = 0
End With

With CommandBars("ToolbarName2")
.Position = msoBarTop
.RowIndex = 3
.Left = 0
End With


Thansk for the help I would have got anyway :)

Klaus Linke

One could also look at the CommandBar.Protection property (VBA help...
msoBarNoChangeDock, msoBarNoMove...).


debbieprobert via

That's an excellent idea. Thank you, Klaus.

Klaus said:
One could also look at the CommandBar.Protection property (VBA help...
msoBarNoChangeDock, msoBarNoMove...).

[quoted text clipped - 46 lines]

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