Permanently hide a worksheet in Excel



I want to hide a Worksheet AND Password protect the workbook.

When opened as read only you cannot unhide.

Mike H


The best you can do is make it XlVeryHidden but don't rely on it because it
can be easily defeated.


Gord Dibben

Excel 2003 and earlier....................


Tools>Protection>Protect Workbook with a password.

Note: internal protection passwords are easily cracked so depends upon how
snoopy your users will be.

Do you also want to place password-to-open on the workbook?

That can be done through File>Save As>Tools>General Options.

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP



Actually, if I read you question correctly, you want the sheet to remain
hidden if the workbook is opened read only. So I assume you want the user to
be able to unhide it if they open, not read only.

The solutions you have recieved are good but they really don't address the
read only issue.

To handle this you would add code such as this to the Open_Workbook object:

Private Sub Workbook_Open()
If ActiveWorkbook.ReadOnly = False Then
ActiveWorkbook.Unprotect "password"
End If
End Sub

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