Another alternative is a manual one.
Create a central status report Sharepoint team site and grant your team
leads editor rights. Create a document folder for status reports and turn on
When folks view their consolidated status reports in PWA, have them click
the Zoom button. This brings up the report in a standalone window. They can
then right click and save the report using save as and selecting mht as the
file type and should always use the same name.
If they map a network place from their local workstation to the Sharepoint
site, it makes the save easier as the saved document would go straight into
the document folder. Otherwise, they have to save the report locally and
then upload to Sharepoint.
The same unique name for the each team's saved file is important. When it
is uploaded or saved to Sharepoint, the versioning will automatically archive
the old one and show the latest version. You will probably want to define
some doc retention guidelines for this also.
In Sharepoint, you would see
Team A Report
Team B Report
If you looked at the versions for each current status report, you would see
all of the past reports by created date.
Not pretty, but it can get the job done. However, you are at the mercy of
people's memories to get your data.