

in need of help

We are converting some of our databases over to
Access2000. Others in the company are still using
Access97, so, we are using the old system.mdw file to join
to the workgroup. However, when using 2000 I cannot see
the users or groups when looking in Security -
Permissions. How can I get all of that to show up ? I
cannot recreate the system.mdw for 2000 because I do not
have all of the Group WID's or User PID's. The DB Admin
has left the company and there is no complete record of
all of this info. This was all dumped on me and I have to
figure how to get this to work. PLEASE HELP !!!

Joan Wild

You are not joining the correct mdw file. Go to a computer where they are
still using the 97 version.

If they start the mdb via a shortcut, look at the target of the shortcut;
the path following /wrkgrp is the path to the proper mdw.

If they are not using a shortcut, go to Start, Run, wrkgadm.exe; it will
show you the path to the workgroup file they are using by default.

(note: it may be named system.mdw, but that doesn't make it the same as the
system.mdw on your machine)


it is the correct system.mdw It is out on our network so
that all users can get to it and join the workgroup. That
is the only one there. It is backed up daily just in case
of deletion or corruption. All 97 users are fine using
this system.mdw I have Admin rights under my login
name. As I said, I cannot see permissions when I open
access2000 tho.

Any other suggestions ?????

Joan Wild

Another alternative, since it works for you in 97, is to open it there,
unsecure it, convert it to 2000 and then resecure.


I would but I do not have all the Group/User WID/PID's.
Won't that cause some of the users to not be able to get
into the database ?

To unsecure, do I just unassign permissions, convert and
then reassign permissions ?

Joan Wild

You don't need the Groups/Users PIDS, since you are going to redo security
from scratch (as opposed to recreating the existing).

The steps to unsecure are outlined in the security FAQ, but essentially, you

1. Give the Users Group full permission on every object (incl. the
2. Close Access, and reopen it using the standard system.mdw.
3. Create a new database, and import all objects from your mdb.

Convert it to 2000. Then resecure it - an opportunity to reevaluate any
changes you want to make (name the groups differently, add some more, change
username patterns). Be sure to follow the steps in the FAQ. Your users
won't have the same passwords as they did in the 97 version.

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