Perpetua font missing


Howard Cannon

I have a file (a brochure I created in MS Publisher) that
I can no longer open correctly. I recently attempted to
open the file and one of the fonts that I used to create
some of the text in the brochure is missing (Perpetua
font). I have not been able to determine how to install
it or where to find it. Would I find it on my MS
Publisher software, MS Office software or somewhere else?
How would I install it? I have no clue how the Perpetua
font disappeared or how to get it back. Help... :eek:)

Thank you!!

Mary Sauer

Look in your fonts folder in the control panel, if it is not there somewhere along
the way it probably deleted from your system. You install new fonts from the font
folder in the control panel, file, install new font. Do a search on your disks for
font files, .ttf extension. I've had the font on my computer for so long I cannot
remember when it was installed. It has a 1991-1995 copyright date.
You might try alt.binaries.fonts.

Howard Cannon


Thank you for your reply. I've searched my MS Publisher
and MS Office installation disks and have not been able to
locate one font. You noted that I could try
alt.binaries.font. What is that? I thouht it was a web
address but it does not work as a web address. How do
access the alt.binaries.font??

Thank you!


Problem resolved, I was able to obtain the fonts from a
Printing Co. and loaded them in my fonts folder and my
file appears correctly.

Thanks to Mary for her response...

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