Persistance and XML



I have a form on page one. I save the form data to an xml file by using the
Behavior "Userdata". The data is saved OK. The form has a submit button.
The submit button uses FP extensions to send an email, then opens the
confirmation page. The confirmation page displays the data from the xmlfile.

The data is null on the confirmation page.

I added a hyperlink to open the confirmation page instead of clicking on the
button and sending the email. I have good data.

I decided to use perl and formmail instead of FP extensions. This has the
same problem.

It appears that anytime the confirmation page is opened by redirection it
cannot find the xmldata saved on the users PC.

I have confirmed that the data is there but perhaps it is not in the folder
that the redirectred page is looking for. Perhaps by redirecting. the
Behavior can not determine the proper folder. It appears that the folders are
named by their session ID some how?

Anyway... anyone have any ideas?

I do not quite understand behaviors....Can the location of their data files
be coded into the page?

For example, can I change the definition:
.userData {behavior:url(#default#userdata);}

Any help greatly appreciated.

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