Persistent Recordset thingy



Can somebody please explain to me the purpose/details/pros/cons of using a
Persistent Recordset?

For example:

I have several FE and one BE

The BE has a table: "dummytable" consisting of 1 record

Each FE has a linked table to the dummytable of the BE

Each FE AutoExec macro launches a hidden form that always remains open, that
instantiates a recordset object (who's declaration is public) which occors
at the Open event of the form.

The close event of the hidden form closes and destroys this persistent

This has significantly improved performance speed across all FEs.

However, for no apparent reason, one of the FEs will out of nowhere become
drastically slow, even with the persistent recordset in operation.

If we log that same user in on another machine of our LAN, the same problem
occurs, but the default user of that machine has no problems. So the
problem actually followed the user to the other computer when he logged in
with his usn/pw.


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