Personal Folder Backup Tool - No Personal Folders Available or Ope


Francine Otterson

Outlook 2002 SP3 - Windows XP

My customer has 3 personal folders on his local system that he would like
backed-up. Loaded the add-in without issue. However, when going into
Options to select the Personal Folders to backup it says there are none
available. There are actually 3 - 2 in the standard location and the other
not. None of them are listed.

I have tried reinstalling the program but did not help.

I have researched the web and newgroups but have not found solution.
Assistance appreciated.

Thank you,

Francine Otterson

President, San Diego Outlook User Group

Brian Tillman

Francine Otterson said:
Outlook 2002 SP3 - Windows XP

My customer has 3 personal folders on his local system that he would
like backed-up. Loaded the add-in without issue. However, when
going into Options to select the Personal Folders to backup it says
there are none available. There are actually 3 - 2 in the standard
location and the other not. None of them are listed.

The PSTs must be connected to Outlook in order for the PFBACKUP utility to
know about them. If they're not connected to Outlook, no backup utility is
required. Just copy them to wherever you want.

Francine Otterson

Thank you for the response Brian.

They are "connected" to Oultook and functioning.

Update - now 2 of 4 are showing up. They are saved in the same location,
connected and in the folder list of Oultook.

Also, the option to browse for the location of the backup is greyed out.

Any other ideas would be appreciated.

Thank you,

Francine Otterson

Brian Tillman

Francine Otterson said:
Update - now 2 of 4 are showing up. They are saved in the same
location, connected and in the folder list of Oultook.

Originally you said:
My customer has 3 personal folders on his local system that he would
like backed-up.

Where did the fourth one come from?
Also, the option to browse for the location of the backup is greyed

Are you saying that clicking File>Backup>Options does not allow you to enter
anything in the "File location" field or that the Browse button does

At the very worst, close Outlook, make sure it's really gone by looking for
OUTLOOK.EXE on the Processes tab in Task Manager, and just copy the PSTs to
the safe location.

Francine Otterson


My apologies dis-regard the browse button issue. He did not have any of the
files selected to be backed-up once we did this - the browse button was

Also- there is only one personal folder that is not listed and I believe it
is not in the standrard location. I will try this thank you.

Francine Otterson.

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