Personal Folders Backup Add-In



I'm using Windows XP SP2 and Outlook 2003 SP1 on a standalone machine. I
have previously (when using Outlook XP) used the Personal Folders Backup
Add-In downloaded from the Microsoft site. When I install it with Outlook
2003 the 'Back-Up' option under the 'File' menu does not appear and when I
look at the 'COM Add-Ins' the add-in is listed but not checked. No matter
what I do I cannot get it to stay checked. As soon as I check the Add-In and
click through the 3 or 4 'OK's' and then go back in the chaeck mark has
dissappeared. The only other add-ins listed are Norton Anti Spam and Plaxo.

Does anyone have any suggestions for getting this thing to work?
Alternatively, can anyone recommend another back-up utility that can be
scheduled that copies the pst file?

Regards and thanks in advance.



Minutes after posting the original message I have found the solution as

1. Ensure the Add-In is installed.

2. Exit Outlook.

3. On the Start menu click Run.

4. In the Open box type the following and click OK.

(This should all be on one line and there is a SPACE between 'microsoft' and

regsvr32 "c:\program files\microsoft office\office11\addins\outbak.dll"

NOTE: You may need to adjust the above path to Outbak.dll to match the
location on your computer.

5. After running the command line start Outlook.

I hope this helps someone else.



Say, this worked. It solved the problem I had where I had installed the
backup under another profile that had since been deleted. I couldn't install
a new version of Outlook Backup under my new profile because it thought the
program was already installed.



dazk- i get a message saying that "cannaot copy outlook:the process cannot
access the file because another process has locked a portion of the file."
does anyone know why this is happening, it worked ok before i installed
office 2003 sp1. please reply to
darrenkibbler(remove this)


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