Personal Macro


Gerry Cornell

Excel 2000. I created an update Macro and now whenever I open any
Excel file a personal.xls file opens as well as the file selected.
Clearly I am not using a right option when saving.

Many of my excel files are using reused, many every month. I copy last
months file to next months folder, rename the file and run the update
macro and then amend other data as necessary.

How should the particular update macro be stored? What strategy should
I employ for saving each update macro as they vary from one macro to
the next?





Enquire, plan and execute.
Stourport, England

Dave Peterson

My philosophy is if the macro is generic enough that I may want to use in any
and all workbooks, it goes into my personal.xl* file.

If it's for a single specific workbook, then I put it in that workbook.

If it's for a specific type of workbook -- not all, but more than one, then I
create an addin that I open when I'm working on that type of workbook.

I add an item to the worksheet menubar that allows me to execute my personal.xl*
(I use a .xla, not .xls) that's based on John Walkenbach's code:

For additions to the worksheet menu bar, I really like the way John Walkenbach
does it in his menumaker workbook:

For the single workbook or multiple workbooks, I usually create a toolbar:
(from Debra Dalgleish's site)

ps. If you want to use personal.xls, I think that most people would want that
workbook hidden.

Open excel
close all the other workbooks except for personal.xls
then Window|Hide
Then close excel.
You'll be prompted to see if you want to save your changes to
personal.xls--making it hidden.
Answer yes and the next time you open excel, personal.xls will open in a hidden


This may be your Personal.xls file which contains your local modules. Check
to see if Window/Unhide is grayed out. If it is then it is your personal.xls
file. In this case, with the personal.xls file as the activewindow, just on
Windows / Hide, hide personal.xls. Now personal.xls will open hidden. Be sure
and choose save changes to your personal.xls workbook.



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