personal.xls in Excel 2007


Fred Holmes

I have an "old" computer running Win 2000 and Office 2000. Everything
is fine.

I have a "new" computer that is "virgin" (little or no customization)
that is running WinXP SP-3 and Office 2007.

How do I migrate everything that is in personal.xls on the old
computer to the new computer? Running a search doesn't even find
"personal.*" on the new computer.

Is this written up somewhere?


Fred Holmes

Snake Plissken

you can create it e.g. by recording new macro and saving it to "personal
macro workbook" - from now on the file will be available

Bernard Liengme

Your Personal file is kept in the xlstart folder. You could copy the old one
to your new computer using a thumb drive. You need to locate the folders.
Here are some notes from XL2007 Help
In Windows Vista, the path to the XLStart folder is usually:
C:\Users\user name\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Excel\XLStart.

In Microsoft Windows XP, the path to the XLStart folder is usually:
C:\Documents and Settings\user name\Application

Tip You can locate the exact path to the XLStart folder in the Trust

How to locate the XLStart folder

Click the Microsoft Office Button , and then click Excel Options.
Click Trust Center, and then under Microsoft Office Excel Trust Center,
click Trust Center Settings.
Click Trusted Locations, and then verify the path to the XLStart folder in
the list of trusted locations.


However, you should be aware that in classic Excel the personal file had XLS
as extension. You should open it in XL2007 and save it as a binary file XLXB

best wishes

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